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Wireless Transmissions of the Divine, Phase III
33 images of Organisms Found Using Metagenomic Data from 24 Holy Water Samples Collected from New York City Churches, 2-Glass Vessels, Fabricated Holy Water, Stainless Steel Nails, Silk Thread, 2-33x12x12" Pedestals, 2-640 Cubic Feet of Space.
Phase III
The final aspect of the circuit is the interaction of the individual from the community. The grounded energy from the individual receives transmission from the physical incarnation of the divine that is contained within a vessel. This interaction by the individual leaves traces of remnants of one's self in the baptismal divine circuit. These remnants can reveal positve aspects or negative mannerisms through metagenomic DNA processing, such as parasitic brain wsorms, bacteria related to meningitis or to a larger organisms such rice or even a monkey.
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